Outerach activities
Invited talks
Prof. Haller Piroska has given a keynote speach on the protection of critical infrastructures at 6th International Conference on Mathematics and Informatics, Tirgu Mures, Romania, on the 9th of September 2017.

Prof. Genge Bela presented his results from project SERENITI on June 15th 2017 in Bucharest, Romania, to other Romanian Marie Curie fellows.
Prof. Genge Bela has given a keynote speach on the protection of critical infrastructures on the 16th Int. Conference "SzamOkt - Szamitastechnika es Oktatas Konferencia (in Hungarian)" (Computer Science and Education Conference), on the 8th of September 2016, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Prof. Haller Piroska has given a talk on October 2015 at TEDx Tirgu Mures on secure communications and the privacy issues related to today's social networks (in Romanian):
Special sessions
On October 22-23, 2015 we organized a special session entitled "Cyber security and resilience of Networked Critical Infrastructures" during the European Integrity - Between Tradition and Modernity conference organized by the Faculty of Sciences and Letters at the Petru maior University of Tirgu Mures, Romania.
Performing cyber security experiments with critical industrial systems by adopting the AMICI framework (SourceForge) and its extension with the IEC61850 protocol:
Demonstration of a synthetic cyber attack (with random operations) on a simulated electricity grid:
Demonstration of a synthetic cyber attack (with planned operations) on a simulated electricity grid (full paper published in the International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection):
Newspaper articles
The results of project SERENITI on the development of anomaly detection techniques have been included in a newspaper article published on-line on the 13th of July 2016 by Radio Romania Tirgu Mures.

A follow-up article on Prof. Piroska Haller's talk at TEDx Tirgu Mures was published on January the 3rd 2016 in the Vocea Transilvaniei newspaper. The article highlights the key problems discussed by Prof. Haller related to the necessity of teaching computer science and especially computer security in the era of social networks in high-school programs.