This software has the role of establishing flows in a Mininet emulated network, with the help of the Floodlight controller. In order to get a working example follow these steps: 1 - Download and install VirtualBox from 2 - Download the VirtualBox appliance from File size is 2GB. 3 - Open VirtualBox, File -> Import Appliance..., browse to the downloaded appliance, click Next, then Import. 4 - Once importing is done in VirtualBox, click the imported appliance, then Settings -> Network, check Enable Network Adapter, on the right of "Attached to:" select Bridget Adapter, click ok, start the virtual machine. Credentials are the same for both username and password: optimalflow 5 - connect to the machine with SSH, in case of windows use PuTTY, download link for PuTTY: 6 - After opening an SSH connection, type: sudo su password is optimalflow change directory to OptimalFlowSingleDomaingExperiment execute the do not close the SSH connection 7 - Open a second SSH connection, type: sudo su password is optimalflow change directory to OptimalFlowSingleDomaingExperiment execute the do not close the SSH connection 8 - Run the setup for this application located in NetworkConfigurator Setup folder. You need the .NET framework, probably the newest version. 9 - Start the application, either by shortcut created on the desktop, or from the folder where you installed it. Click Open -> XML, browse to the Sample files folder and select the SingleDomainConfiguration.xml file. 10 -Click View -> All Flows, to view all the configured flows. If you want to, remove them all. 11 -In the application, to establish a flow between two hosts, hold down CTRL, all hosts should have a thicker border, if not, click once anywhere near a host, so that the area receives focus. While holding CTRL, click on two hosts, a window pops up where you can set the protocol, whether or not the flow is bidirectional and throughput. For your information, all links have a bandwidth of 100MB/s, you can change this by right clicking a link, then Edit. 12 -After setting the desired flows, get the IP address of your VM, it's the one used for SSH. In the Network Configurator application menu, click Flows and there type Replace the IP address with the one of your VM. 13 -Click Push Flows, a dialog box will pop up to notify you about the result of the operation. 14 -Go into the second SSH connection and test if the configured flows are working by typing for example: h1 ping h2 assuming you have set the flow between these hosts. To find out more about the application's functionalities, press F1 or click Help in the application menu.